Grim Future


Grim Future is a Post-Apocalyptic RPG Survival Game where you KNOW you are going to DIE, its just a matter of how long can you avoid your Grim Future

Controls: WASD or arrow keys to movement

Access Skill Points: Shift

Crafting Menu: E

Attack: LMB

Aim with Mouse


Your past was traumatic, your present, a rollercoaster of emotions, and your future is looking grim

Grim Future is a Post-Apocalyptic RPG Survival Game where you KNOW you are going to DIE, its just a matter of how long can you avoid your Grim Future


  • Base Building - Mold the environment around you throughout play-throughs
  • Skill Points/Perks - Level up your Strength or Speed (Perks coming soon)
  • Action RPG - Slice and Dice Zombies with your trusty Knife
  • Crafting, Buying and Selling Items - All gold earned stays with you on other playthroughs
  • Survival - Hunger, Health, PermaDeath
  • Prestige System - Earn points to add to your next character (Coming Soon)


You can find me on

IG @Gnasty.Music

Spotify - Gnasty Music

Email -

Through lots of feedback I have decided to make the final form of this game into a 'Horde Mode'

Face increasingly difficult Waves of Zombies

The Gold you earn can be saved up over multiple play throughs

Unlock the GroundStomp Ability to blast away a massive horde

Different Zombie Types


MCartwright 2 years ago

This Looks good But was unplayable because of the Embed Size. Try changing it to 1000 x 600

KlockedOutGames 2 years ago

ahhh what an oversight to have, but an easy fix, thank you it should be good to go now

MCartwright 2 years ago

Mechanics Story/Writing/Dialogue
Really good little game, Killing zombies is quite addictive. obviously needs a lot adding to it but its a great start!

KlockedOutGames 2 years ago

thank you so much! yes this is just trying to get the mechanics down, Full Quests and Tutorial soon!

bagelcorps 2 years ago

Level Design Game Graphics
love the design, but the house, zombies, and a few other aspects need work. I've retextured plenty, so it's pretty quick and fun to experiment with.

KlockedOutGames 2 years ago

thank you so much for the feedback! I am definitely not an artist but I will give those things a do over!
Roast Em
