Grim Future


Grim Future is a Post-Apocalyptic RPG Survival Game where you KNOW you are going to DIE, its just a matter of how long can you avoid your Grim Future

Controls: WASD or arrow keys to movement

Access Skill Points: Shift

Crafting Menu: E

Attack: LMB

Aim with Mouse


Your past was traumatic, your present, a rollercoaster of emotions, and your future is looking grim

Grim Future is a Post-Apocalyptic RPG Survival Game where you KNOW you are going to DIE, its just a matter of how long can you avoid your Grim Future


  • Base Building - Mold the environment around you throughout play-throughs
  • Skill Points/Perks - Level up your Strength or Speed (Perks coming soon)
  • Action RPG - Slice and Dice Zombies with your trusty Knife
  • Crafting, Buying and Selling Items - All gold earned stays with you on other playthroughs
  • Survival - Hunger, Health, PermaDeath
  • Prestige System - Earn points to add to your next character (Coming Soon)


You can find me on

IG @Gnasty.Music

Spotify - Gnasty Music

Email -

Fixed Various Bugs thanks to feedback

All Buildings now made of Foundation and Walls, not generic placeholder

Added GroudStomp Ability - Requires Strength Level 2

Added OPENING CUTSCENE! Its halfway done, but it begins to tell the story of what happened to your Aunt, as you will spend the first quest trying to locate her

Berries now Heal you, just like most food does in other games, thanks to feedback for that


MCartwright 2 years ago

This Looks good But was unplayable because of the Embed Size. Try changing it to 1000 x 600

KlockedOutGames 2 years ago

ahhh what an oversight to have, but an easy fix, thank you it should be good to go now

MCartwright 2 years ago

Mechanics Story/Writing/Dialogue
Really good little game, Killing zombies is quite addictive. obviously needs a lot adding to it but its a great start!

KlockedOutGames 2 years ago

thank you so much! yes this is just trying to get the mechanics down, Full Quests and Tutorial soon!

bagelcorps 2 years ago

Level Design Game Graphics
love the design, but the house, zombies, and a few other aspects need work. I've retextured plenty, so it's pretty quick and fun to experiment with.

KlockedOutGames 2 years ago

thank you so much for the feedback! I am definitely not an artist but I will give those things a do over!
Roast Em
