DarkGran's Profile

Ranked #400


370 Points


Collectible card game about star fleets. With some strategic twists on the ccg genre.Old game of mine rewritten from scratch.Early Alpha so you cannot customize your deck yet.Use F1 in-game for detailed instructions. (no tutorial yet, sorry)Most notable differences from "classic ccgs" are: You get a source of basic "minions" called Shipyard (button on the left). Attacks are less effective against Defense of same color. (= red shields reduce red damage) Have fun and let me know how you liked it. :)

Game Graphics Controls

Looks amazing, but:
1) The fullscreen doesnt work and playing in browser means that when pressing up, the browser page goes up too (even when you click inside the game). That makes playing pretty difficult.
2) The movement boosts feel too strong, it was kinda hard to get into right position.
3) It's not clear what the player is supposed to do, especially when you hit the first tree that blocks the way. I mean I had an idea that I should move the rocks, but combined with the trouble with controls, I wasnt able to do that. (the "floor hitbox" is kinda weird there too)
4) It's weird that when flying left, the moth just backs-up instead of turning! The graphics are amazing and this breaks the immersion - I think that even if you just "instantly flip" it everytime the player changes direction, it would look much better.

But otherwise it looks so great that I'm genuinely mad that I wasnt able to finish. Not even the first level. :P

I hope you find this helpful - good luck with the project! :)

3 years ago
Game Graphics Mechanics


First let me say, amazing work with the graphics (artwork, effects, scene cuts) and music. Together with the "grey city intro", I was instantly engaged (and thinking "I dont even like this style, but ppl will love this").
I was kinda disappointed when the skull at the beginning doesn't offer any atmospheric dialog, instead it's just "do this to get through here". But I just went right to the forest and started to admired the lighting there. Did I mention the music?
Unfortunately that's were the fun started to turn into frustration. The areas are vast and interconnected yet possibly incomplete, as you often get teleported to the central area. If it is meant as a "magic forest" where you "get lost", than I would add some line of dialog whenever you're teleported, because right now it almost feels like a bug.
The fact that the areas are vast would be fine, but the problem is that all these areas are empty. I picked "mechanics" for what needs the most work, and what I mean is actually the very core of gameplay - it's engagement. No amount of beautiful pixel tiles will compensate for the fact that there is nothing to do there in these locations - it felt like I spent 10 minutes in the forest, yet I did not find anything there, except for things that tell you "you need this for me to work" (but never anything that would make something work).
Before I let the frustration get hold of me, I went back to the skull and to the left. Again, at first intrigued in the city, only to find out that there is nothing to interact with there and you cant go inside the houses (I was desperately spamming spacebar everywhere at that point). When I reached the mansion and found the locked door, I noticed theres a huuge hole in the house that the avatar could use to get into the house. Of course it cant, otherwise what use would the locked door have - so I added "a key" to my huuuuge shopping list, and just jumped off the cliff, sorry. :D
But it looks really cool. I can imagine exploring that, even without combat (although I would enjoy that). There must be something to do in those areas though, so I would work on that - vastness is ok, emptiness is not! (Or is it just me and there were keys and monsters everywhere, I just couldnt see them?) I would also greatly enjoy if there was more "dialog". Even if you were to spam just some atmospheric at me whenever I visit a new part of the forest (even that would make the areas feel less empty).
Otherwise, great job!

TLDR: Looks sweet but lacks in gameplay as the world seems empty.

3 years ago

I'm sorry if I came off overly harsh, I overall liked it I just wanted to describe my test in detail so you can get as much feedback as possible. :p I think it looks really nice (like seriously) I just had trouble with the "finish part" - I don't need combat, I'm just saying that I didn't find out what is there to do in the game except for talking with items that are "not accessible" (like the skull) unless I find something... but how do I find it? There was also a lots of torches but I just couldn't find anything to light them up (or to translate anything, I think there was something like that too). It's all actually very intriguing, I just couldn't "activate" anything when I played it. xD It's most possibly my fault, although maybe you could give me... directions? :p
Anyway that just me not being able to solve even a single puzzle, I really think the game's cool otherwise, especially if it's your first game - congratulations on that by the way!
Good luck. :)

3 years ago
Game Graphics

I don't understand a single word of your language, but that does not stop me to play your game.

I like how it looks! Cute pixel.

It's clearly in an early stage though, because it seems there is nothing to do. I mean I was pleasantly surprised that our urban hero has a sword, but none of the doors seemed smashable. The food stand also survived my attack. I tried to get over the fence to steal a car, but failed - by the way, if there is no gate to the parking, then how the people get the cars out (oh and how they get them inside in the first place? xD)? :P
It all made me tired so I went home only to find out that I can't. :( It's probably a bug that you might want to look into: When I try to go home, I can see the room for a second, but I'm back on the street instantly. My guess is that when the avatar enters the room, he's placed so close to the door that the game thinks he's leaving again. Otherwise it worked nicely.

I hope you keep working on this - I want to steal a car and then decapitate people with a sword in a drive-by. :D
(It also looks like it could be fun in multiplayer)

Good luck! :)

3 years ago
Mechanics Game Graphics

Hi! :)

Congratulations on your first game! It worked smoothly, which cannot be said about all, so good job!

Now for the notes:
1) First let me say that I don't mind the graphics, but if you were to "sell to public", you need something pleasing to the eye. The box style would actually be fine, I mean mostly polishing - including fixing some things, like the background grid tiles that don't fit into each other (the grid could be helpful visually if it wasn't "broken"). But you probably know that.

2) The platformer style is a nice classic and I like the level design for the most part, but I was never a fan of the "pixel perfection requirement" (the super-difficult jumps). Doing such obstacles today feels a bit hardcore to me (but thats just me). On that note, the speed you can get with your avatar feels to high - I'd rather if I could more precisely aim/place/fall with my avatar, as with such high speed, it's just way too easy to "overshoot" all jumps. Mind you that this actually would not change the difficulty of the game, you just gotta adjust the level (jump) sizes - everything will become visually smaller, but the jumps will not become that much easier. My reason for suggesting this is that you can't rly expect pixel perfection from the player when releasing a button too soon/late by only a few miliseconds changes resulting position by many pixels - that just takes too much training and getting used to. It's really a question of difficulty+feeling from the movement.

I hope this gives you something to think about. :) You got a nice gameplay prototype that just needs some adjustements - when you get the basic gameplay right ("perfect", ideally), you can then add as much content into it as you want, be it graphics, more levels, or anything else. ;)
Good luck! :)

TLDR: Give me graphics and more "real-feel" movement (whatever that means). :))

3 years ago

P.S. Music is also decent (forgot to add), although it could use better "samples" (instruments basically), or at least some reverbs or smthn, as right now it sounds rather raw.

3 years ago



