

a game about exploring a isterious yet beautiful landscape and playing some music

general bug fiixing. Added splashscreen, modified some areas and added some dialog and cinematics


nlh_games 3 years ago

While clearly in early development, there seems to be a few issues;
- I couldn't see how to leave the first scene, (grey city)
- There is something wrong with the physics setup when you're in the traffic flow. you occasionally get pushed down even though there's no one there.

campodetenis 3 years ago

First of all thanks for taking the time to play this little project of mine.
In the gray city you just have to walk forward trying to avoid the dark figures, not a long distance actually.
As for the physics issue, i noticed it recently and am currently trying to fix it.
Thanks again for roasting, if after knowing what you have to do you are insterested in continuing please do as any feedback would help.

nlh_games 3 years ago

That makes sense, the first thing I did was move out of the flow of traffic between the buildings, you may want to stop that.

Graphics are very nice and suit the game style well, although I personally feel the character is just a little small for the game.

Moving straight up from the city is a skull on a wall, it appears interactive, but there's no content when your press space. I also found a few exits which I suspect are linked to areas you haven't developed as going through them moves you back to a central location. (If its deliberate, you may want a message to indicate something is happening).

Given the vastness, it may be appropriate for an ingame map for the play to track where they've been, but this is dependent on the type of experience you are looking for.

campodetenis 3 years ago

i am afraid you discovered another bug, after the gray city scene, if you talk to the skull it should display a dialog (this is the first time this happens to someone though).
As for the areas that take you back, it is completely deliberate. I don't know if you have played a zelda game but this is a "version" of lost woods, a frequent zone in those games. You are right though, there is a tablet that hints you about this but it is true that it is a bit hidden and that you need a dictionary to read it, so most people won't notice it, i might have to make it more obvious.
Last but not least you are right about the vastness but i think the map wouldn't work as i want the game to work. I want the game to feel a bit misterious and unexplored. A map that uncovers itself while you walk could be cool but i feel i'm too noob for that.
Anyway thanks again for playing and for the feedback, it really makes me really happy :)

DarkGran 3 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics

First let me say, amazing work with the graphics (artwork, effects, scene cuts) and music. Together with the "grey city intro", I was instantly engaged (and thinking "I dont even like this style, but ppl will love this").
I was kinda disappointed when the skull at the beginning doesn't offer any atmospheric dialog, instead it's just "do this to get through here". But I just went right to the forest and started to admired the lighting there. Did I mention the music?
Unfortunately that's were the fun started to turn into frustration. The areas are vast and interconnected yet possibly incomplete, as you often get teleported to the central area. If it is meant as a "magic forest" where you "get lost", than I would add some line of dialog whenever you're teleported, because right now it almost feels like a bug.
The fact that the areas are vast would be fine, but the problem is that all these areas are empty. I picked "mechanics" for what needs the most work, and what I mean is actually the very core of gameplay - it's engagement. No amount of beautiful pixel tiles will compensate for the fact that there is nothing to do there in these locations - it felt like I spent 10 minutes in the forest, yet I did not find anything there, except for things that tell you "you need this for me to work" (but never anything that would make something work).
Before I let the frustration get hold of me, I went back to the skull and to the left. Again, at first intrigued in the city, only to find out that there is nothing to interact with there and you cant go inside the houses (I was desperately spamming spacebar everywhere at that point). When I reached the mansion and found the locked door, I noticed theres a huuge hole in the house that the avatar could use to get into the house. Of course it cant, otherwise what use would the locked door have - so I added "a key" to my huuuuge shopping list, and just jumped off the cliff, sorry. :D
But it looks really cool. I can imagine exploring that, even without combat (although I would enjoy that). There must be something to do in those areas though, so I would work on that - vastness is ok, emptiness is not! (Or is it just me and there were keys and monsters everywhere, I just couldnt see them?) I would also greatly enjoy if there was more "dialog". Even if you were to spam just some atmospheric at me whenever I visit a new part of the forest (even that would make the areas feel less empty).
Otherwise, great job!

TLDR: Looks sweet but lacks in gameplay as the world seems empty.

campodetenis 3 years ago

Hi!. First of all thanks a lot for playing, and commenting I appreciate it and it means a lot.
As for the roast i have to disagree in some matters. Although i do admit that the game is lacking and sometimes frustrating i do not believe it is due to the lack of gameplay but to lack of directions or something like that. What i mean is that the game was not meant to be something really "gamey", just sort of like a little 10 minute experience, see this, feel a bit lost and alone and finish, so i do not see the need for something like more puzzles or combat as you suggest.
however i do admit that despite what i said the game still is confusing and empty. From my point of view what you have to do is clear and it is not much but well i'm the dev and alredy know where everything is so my experience is not valid. There isn't really much more to see, but not knowing what to do it might feel like a lot. I just don't really know how to fix this, i feel like any kind of message would kind of ruin the inmersion.
I don't know, i'm really lost and i'm really noob, this is my first game so thanks again for comenting, and if you have any more suggestions or any games for me to roast feel free to reply again.

DarkGran 3 years ago

I'm sorry if I came off overly harsh, I overall liked it I just wanted to describe my test in detail so you can get as much feedback as possible. :p I think it looks really nice (like seriously) I just had trouble with the "finish part" - I don't need combat, I'm just saying that I didn't find out what is there to do in the game except for talking with items that are "not accessible" (like the skull) unless I find something... but how do I find it? There was also a lots of torches but I just couldn't find anything to light them up (or to translate anything, I think there was something like that too). It's all actually very intriguing, I just couldn't "activate" anything when I played it. xD It's most possibly my fault, although maybe you could give me... directions? :p
Anyway that just me not being able to solve even a single puzzle, I really think the game's cool otherwise, especially if it's your first game - congratulations on that by the way!
Good luck. :)

campodetenis 3 years ago

don't worry i appreciate honesty it gives me a lot of help so you comment was really helpfull.
I do agree with you that there should be more hints to the "puzzles" as though really simple at first they are totally misleading and can turn discouraging , so i'll look into that.
So again thanks for everything and i wish you a lot of luck too

MawzDev77 3 years ago

Game Graphics Story/Writing/Dialogue
Hi, first off let me just say that this game is amazing - once you complete it you have to put it on steam, it will be an indie hit. Great controls, great graphics, great music, great atmosphere/mood. There are some things that I noticed that could be better, though. There was a slight gap in four or so tiles in the section with the gray buildings. This happens to me all the time in Unity's tile system (which I assume you're using), and I fix it by either adding extra pixels to certain tiles or by correcting the pixels per tile amount in the import settings. Not a major issue, though. Another thing is that the waterfall tiles at the beginning of the game look a bit off. Also, you should add some more dialogue, whether it be in the intro with the silhouetted people or when you get teleported in the forest. Finally, the font used for the text on the skull in the central forest area is a bit unfitting. I suggest you use a font more like "Perfect DOS VGA," "Gamer," "Early GameBoy," or "Alagard." Otherwise, this game is absolutely amazing, and again, make sure to put it on steam when you're finished as I am sure people will love this (it may even reach the heights of Undertale, Stardew Valley, etc. - it reminded me of Undertale but with much better graphics). Also, just a quick question, are you doing this project alone? Did you make all of the art, music, and code by yourself?

campodetenis 3 years ago

wow. First of all thank you for your feedback and for taking time to play this, it gave me a boost of autoesteem to tell you the truth.
The unfortunate truth is that i don't really know what else to add, i'll make sure to fix what you said and to polish stuff other reviewers told me, but i feel a bit stuck.

Anyway, as i tell you i was feeling like the project was over and there was nothing i could do to improve it, so i thought this was it but with your comment i migh give it another try, think a bit more and try improving the game a bit more.
As for my contribution to the project Im an accordionist (as you can guess by playing the game) so the """"""soundtrack""""" was entirely made by me, but the songs are really simple because i know my limitations.

As for the code i'm also a programmer (Well a student really) so yeah i did it myself, but with a lot of reference and brackeys tutorials hehe.
Most of the art is mine, but most of it was done by taking references from other artists (waterfall animations for example), and there are a few tiles that are not done by me such as the "dirt wall" tiles or the big rock.
Last, i did only two sounds, the menu button sound and the wind howling sound, there aren't many more but the rest are from free sound pages because here is where i struggled the most.
Anyway sorry for the long text and again thanks a lot for your review, i'll keep in mind what you said. If you are interested i'll try to update soon.

PD:I don't really know how to upload games to steam, so if you know and could help it would really mean a lot to me.
Roast Em

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