nlh_games's Profile

Ranked #399


375 Points

Forest Trail

You and your friends were out playing in the woods, and something happened.   You're not quite sure what, dark clouds and mist came from the direction of the village, so you ran. Running blindly through the dark forest, you realise that you are lost, and you're separated from your friends. Forest Trail is a maze game where you have to navigate your person/people through the maze to the exit points.


The package isn't complete, only holds a python source file. Not having a python install, make it not playable.

There are references in the code to MP3 files, for sound effects, however these aren't included.

3 years ago

While clearly in early development, there seems to be a few issues;
- I couldn't see how to leave the first scene, (grey city)
- There is something wrong with the physics setup when you're in the traffic flow. you occasionally get pushed down even though there's no one there.

3 years ago

That makes sense, the first thing I did was move out of the flow of traffic between the buildings, you may want to stop that.

Graphics are very nice and suit the game style well, although I personally feel the character is just a little small for the game.

Moving straight up from the city is a skull on a wall, it appears interactive, but there's no content when your press space. I also found a few exits which I suspect are linked to areas you haven't developed as going through them moves you back to a central location. (If its deliberate, you may want a message to indicate something is happening).

Given the vastness, it may be appropriate for an ingame map for the play to track where they've been, but this is dependent on the type of experience you are looking for.

3 years ago

Thank you, really appreciate the detailed feedback, all really good points.

I’ve noticed the cut off trees before, how to try and workout what’s going on.

3 years ago

Thank you again for your feedback, most of the issues you mentioned have been fixed in the latest release.

3 years ago

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