The Trial


Hola, bienvenido a esta demo temprana, debido al tiempo aun no hay demasiado en el juego, solo caminar y salir del juego. Aun así espero tengan una buena experiencia, aunque sea corta. Para jugar solo descarguen el zip y extráiganlo en su computadora, despues solo abran DEMO.exe y listo, el juego ha empezado.

Gracias por jugar mi juego.



DarkGran 3 years ago

Game Graphics
I don't understand a single word of your language, but that does not stop me to play your game.

I like how it looks! Cute pixel.

It's clearly in an early stage though, because it seems there is nothing to do. I mean I was pleasantly surprised that our urban hero has a sword, but none of the doors seemed smashable. The food stand also survived my attack. I tried to get over the fence to steal a car, but failed - by the way, if there is no gate to the parking, then how the people get the cars out (oh and how they get them inside in the first place? xD)? :P
It all made me tired so I went home only to find out that I can't. :( It's probably a bug that you might want to look into: When I try to go home, I can see the room for a second, but I'm back on the street instantly. My guess is that when the avatar enters the room, he's placed so close to the door that the game thinks he's leaving again. Otherwise it worked nicely.

I hope you keep working on this - I want to steal a car and then decapitate people with a sword in a drive-by. :D
(It also looks like it could be fun in multiplayer)

Good luck! :)
Roast Em