Generic Zombie Shooter - Redux


Generic Zombie Shooter - Redux is a top-down wave-based shooter and is a remake of my first game from 2013. The new game features enhancements over the gameplay of the original game and is continuing to become less generic.

Almost all artwork is from the original game and will be changed along with the music and sound in future updates once concept art is done.

This release was focused on adding new content to the game. Specifically, several new enemies and weapons have been added to the game to give the player more to experience. However, the difficulty has been increased dramatically, so prepare yourself. Here is the list of changes for GZSR v1.2.

  • New Enemies! - Several new enemies have been added to the game.
    • Starfright
    • El Salvo
    • The Prowler
  • New Weapons! - There are a total of 12 new weapons to play around with, including brand new melee weapons (useable with Right-Click).
    • Machete
    • Bastard Sword
    • Secret Melee Weapon
    • AWP
    • Crossbow
    • MP5
    • Molotov
    • Nail Gun
    • Remington 783
    • Smith & Wesson Model 500
    • FIM-92 Stinger
    • Taser
  • Level-Restricted Weapons - The player must now reach a certain level to unlock each weapon in the game. The Beretta and Machete are given to the player to start with, and the Nail Gun is available in the shop by default. All other weapons must be unlocked by leveling up.
  • Weapon / Ammo Prices - All weapons and ammo prices have been updated to closely match real-world prices. Enemy money drop rates have been modified to match these new prices. This is a work-in-progress, so if you feel that the prices or weapon levels don't feel right, leave a comment.
  • Deadlier Bosses - The bosses were far too easy to just strafe around and shoot at from afar before. Now they have been given some alternate tactics to keep the player on their toes. See if you can figure out what's new.
  • Enemy Attacks - Enemies no longer deal constant damage simply by touching you. A few of the enemies have been given attack animations and will attack periodically when within range. The damage is d20-based and is rolled each time.
  • Status Immunities - Certain enemies now have immunities to specific damage types and status effects. Any effect that an enemy has immunity to will cause the text "Resisted!" to appear above their heads.
  • New Status Effects - Several new status effects have been added to the game for new weapons and enemy attacks.
  • Boss Health Bar - Ever wonder how close you're getting to defeating the boss? Well now there is a health bar for the bosses, too!
  • Various Other Tweaks - I've enhanced ammo warning text to be more informative instead of just saying "Out of Ammo!" and other enhancements.
  • Known Issues - There is one known issue with this release (and the previous one) where after killing the last enemy in a wave, the game will not properly transition to the break period, leaving you stuck. If this occurs, please open the console by pressing ~ and type "/ec" and then open an issue with or email me the output.

Here are some of the changes you can expect in the next major release.

  • Achievements
  • Replacing Skills with Talent / Perk Trees
  • Scoreboard
  • Inventory Management
  • Instinct-Based Enemy Behavior
  • More Weapons
  • ...and more!


BellBlitzKing 6 years ago

Tutorial/Learning Curve Mechanics
You have all the ingredients of a top-down shooter; a high focus on functionality. New ideas, polish & tweaks should be easier with core functions working. The progression was fine to me, as new enemies were introduced at what seemed to be every two waves. It's a Functioning Top-down Shooter not a Unique top-down shooter---you'll have to find your groove as you polish.

1) Simplify Weapon Switching - Pressing numbers 1 to 9 is not intuitive as shooting game. Weapon Cycling is much more common, utilizing the UI efficiently and one/two buttons instead.

For example: Press Q to go to Previous weapon and W to Next Weapon. Your Currently Active weapon is shown in the UI as you have it with an ammo meter---however on the left of the active weapon photo add the weapon picture of your previous in-line weapon, then on the right of the ammo counter, add the next weapon in your line-up/inventory.

2) Per-Weapon Upgrades - Some weapons feel under-powered or their accuracy is questionable---there is also not much variety. Small Weapons Upgrades is a way to stretch your current set of weapons without adding more.

For Example: Upgrade the Pistol for a Red-Dot sight that helps your eyes in aiming. Upgrade your Shotgun with a Flash Detector so your flashlight glow turns ready when an enemy is in range. Upgrade your Bow to shoot two arrows/three arrows/fire arrows/fast charging/poison dipped arrows. And so on. Adding any of these would help make the weapons more impactful, fun to use and worth trying out different guns.

packetpirate 6 years ago

Yeah, the weapon switching is something I'm planning to change in the next update. I might do something similar to Enter the Gungeon.

As for per-weapon upgrades, I'm also planning for the next release to implement a perk / talent tree system to replace the Skills that are in the game now. Everything you mentioned is a good idea, but I'm not really sure what you mean by a "flash detector" for the Shotgun.

BellBlitzKing 6 years ago

Glad to hear you have new developments in the pipeline! I should have typed "Enemy Detector": your flashlight would turn red any time an enemy is in optimal range with your shotgun. It is a spread-shot weapon so there is a certain mid-range where you'll do max/best damage.

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare has this as you upgrade your shotgun----enemies barely outside of range will face minimal damage which may be hard for players to measure mentally. So instead your has a Line of Sight flasher on one of the shotgun that turns red if an enemy is mid-range for best damage.
Roast Em
