


allie 2 years ago

Story/Writing/Dialogue Tutorial/Learning Curve
I liked the idea of this game - it was a unique shift on a classic.

I think the biggest issue was no solid instructions. I saw them here after, but I didn't in the game, so it took me a few tries to even figure out what was happening. I actually didn't even notice that the tetris objects were moving as I was focused on why my player wasn't moving. I pressed just about every key and eventually realized what what happening. So, I would get some instructions on the screen and maybe a small animation showing that movement is moving the blocks (not the player). It made sense after, but initially it was confusing.

The next thing I might look at doing is having it to where only 1 piece is available for (level 1? or intro) just to get the hang of the process. I'd probably just have the simple 4 blocks in a row as that is easy to manipulate and is an easy level 1 (level design may need to be modified so that works right. Then maybe have it go full on or then just introduce the new piece/tool at level 2. I only played maybe a handful of times, but it seemed a little more challenging for a person just starting off, so either just a single piece or slower for a short bit? Just my thoughts. Hope this helps - good luck with your dev!!


June 2 years ago

Hi! Thanks for your feedback. Your idea about tutorial is so good! I definitely use your idea on tutorial. Thanks again!

Muhil 2 years ago

Level Design
This is a super awesome game. Never expected this. This is a good variation. I like the concept of the game.

But, when I was playing the game I thought that I am controlling the player. But after that, I realised that I was moving the block. If any instruction was there about the game inside the game itself would be fine.

June 2 years ago

Hello! Thanks for your feedback!!

Yeah, many people are confused first time

damianh82 2 years ago

Level Design Mechanics
I like the idea. It took me some minutes to find out how it works.

The mechanics in the end don't work as they are now: There are blocks that can be climbed and blocks that can't be climbed. So put the blocks that can be climbed in front of the hero and the rest behind the hero. The game should make all blocks the same value.

damianh82 2 years ago

I meant all blocks should have the same amount of advantages and disadvantages...

June 2 years ago

Hi! Thanks for playing!

Yes. I just took the original forms of the blocks of Tetris so some blocks like square are worthless in playing. I'm considering to make some other options to make them worth.

damianh82 2 years ago

I had 2 ideas I wanted to share:
You could make a spike floor, which is deadly but blocks don't fall thru.
The order of falling blocks could be depending on the obstacles. That it's predefined what obstacles and what blocks give a good challenge.
Roast Em

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