damianh82's Profile

Ranked #568


305 Points


SoundStorm is a music shooter. Bullets are flashing to the beat of the music. Your goal is to shield bullets exactly on the beat to make chain reaction and destroy enemies. There is a tutorial and one level.https://soundstormdemo.uhx.ch/

Mechanics Physics

Not a bad game. Very simple but has some interesting aspects. However, the physics and levels are too primitive to make fun for a longer time. You can't see how far away objects are and where you can stand on them. It should play more fluid and have more interesting levels.

2 years ago
Level Design Mechanics

I like the idea. It took me some minutes to find out how it works.

The mechanics in the end don't work as they are now: There are blocks that can be climbed and blocks that can't be climbed. So put the blocks that can be climbed in front of the hero and the rest behind the hero. The game should make all blocks the same value.

2 years ago

I meant all blocks should have the same amount of advantages and disadvantages...

2 years ago

I had 2 ideas I wanted to share:
You could make a spike floor, which is deadly but blocks don't fall thru.
The order of falling blocks could be depending on the obstacles. That it's predefined what obstacles and what blocks give a good challenge.

2 years ago
Level Design Game Graphics

The Levels are quite interesting, I was surprised. The checkpoint after you died are too far away in my opinion, this makes trying a difficult passage frustrating. Also graphics and physics need some more polish.

2 years ago

P.S. Sometimes the black ninjas appear and sometimes not, is this a bug? It's also confusing that you can be hit by the spikes when you are moving away from them, this could be because i'm used to the spike-behaviour of sonic the the hedgehog.

2 years ago
