

Help Bangoo to get the keys and pass the levels by jumping into the yellow box ....

This is my first game I have ever published online so I would be thankful if you leave a comment about weaknesses and strengths of my game.

in game music by: @king_amir37

Maybe more levels


DarkGran 3 years ago

Mechanics Game Graphics
Hi! :)

Congratulations on your first game! It worked smoothly, which cannot be said about all, so good job!

Now for the notes:
1) First let me say that I don't mind the graphics, but if you were to "sell to public", you need something pleasing to the eye. The box style would actually be fine, I mean mostly polishing - including fixing some things, like the background grid tiles that don't fit into each other (the grid could be helpful visually if it wasn't "broken"). But you probably know that.

2) The platformer style is a nice classic and I like the level design for the most part, but I was never a fan of the "pixel perfection requirement" (the super-difficult jumps). Doing such obstacles today feels a bit hardcore to me (but thats just me). On that note, the speed you can get with your avatar feels to high - I'd rather if I could more precisely aim/place/fall with my avatar, as with such high speed, it's just way too easy to "overshoot" all jumps. Mind you that this actually would not change the difficulty of the game, you just gotta adjust the level (jump) sizes - everything will become visually smaller, but the jumps will not become that much easier. My reason for suggesting this is that you can't rly expect pixel perfection from the player when releasing a button too soon/late by only a few miliseconds changes resulting position by many pixels - that just takes too much training and getting used to. It's really a question of difficulty+feeling from the movement.

I hope this gives you something to think about. :) You got a nice gameplay prototype that just needs some adjustements - when you get the basic gameplay right ("perfect", ideally), you can then add as much content into it as you want, be it graphics, more levels, or anything else. ;)
Good luck! :)

TLDR: Give me graphics and more "real-feel" movement (whatever that means). :))

DarkGran 3 years ago

P.S. Music is also decent (forgot to add), although it could use better "samples" (instruments basically), or at least some reverbs or smthn, as right now it sounds rather raw.
Roast Em