Space Probe


A simple arcade game about dodging meteors and surviving.

TO PLAY: open spaceprobe folder, double-click on spaceprobe.html version

Game jolt version

I created a website!!



LostDutchman 4 years ago

Mechanics Mechanics
I like it, its like asteroids but you are only worried about keeping the probe safe. Some places that I think need the most improvement are as follows:

The fact that you can start the game and already be on a meteor, you may want to prevent them from spawning on the player.
The alert box telling you the final score feels annoying and unnecessary since the score is still visible in the game itself.
Sometimes I was hit when the meteor was close to my probe, other times I was not hit when it passed through the corner of my probe. A more clear hit box would be nice.
I could not figure out how to move for the first 4 plays (1 of those plays a meteor spawned on the probe)

Otherwise I had fun, my high score is 18!

future-games 4 years ago

Thanks for the feedback! I will get rid of the alert box, it was just there because in the original draft that was the only way to see your score and I decided not to remove it. I will try to make it so that no meteors spawn on you, I'm sorry for any problems. I don't know what is wrong with the hit box, but I will try to fix it.
As for high scores, mine is 21! Thank you for playing.

future-games 8 months ago


future-games 8 months ago


rafsters 4 years ago

Mechanics UI Graphics

Some feedback:

I like the mechanics, they're super simple, seem easy to adjust and playtest. Plus, it's fun once you figure out what the hell you're supposed to do.

This can be solved with a bit of UX work:

- notification/modal/toast when you die (even adding red tint to the screen or a flash would help)
- popup/modal/notification once the game session starts (e.g. "Avoid asteroids, hit any key to play")

The previous comments says that an alert box is shown when you die—I didn't see it. If you added it using `window.alert()` my browser might've just blocked it, although I've tested in on 3 different ones (FF, Chrome, Safari). If that's not the case, maybe consider something less invasive, easier to interact with than the tiny "Play again" button?


- since we're in space you might want to handle the physics slightly differently, e.g. include angular velocity, current momentum when moving the probe, so it slides/rotates a bit so the player has to adjust for that

Also, consider porting it to a mobile platform/adding mobile controls. You can still do it without publishing an app, just make sure your CSS supports mobile and you allow for touch input controls.

Happy to take another look if you make some changes. You can message me via @rafalpast on Twitter too.

future-games 4 years ago

Thank you! The alert box when you die was removed because it seemed unnecessary. I work on a Mac, so it is less likely for it to only work on windows. I will look into adding better physics, and I will improve the play again button (it doesn’t even work in windows 10!) I can add a note when the game starts if you like, thank you for playing!

A_Person 4 years ago

Mechanics UI Graphics
great game loved it (partially because i love space)

future-games 4 years ago

Thank you! I have another space game called meteor run that you can download on roast my game!

TMD_Studios 4 years ago

I like the simplicity.
I would suggest adding some effects and definitely adding a 3 count before starting a new game. I died several times before I could actually do something. Also, you could try starting with a blank screen and then add asteroids after a second or two... This would ease players into the game instead of just throwing them right in.

future-games 4 years ago

Thank you! I will add a countdown before a new round. I could try to add the asteroids gradually, but it might be a while.

Sabslab 4 years ago

Controls UI Graphics
Nice and Simple Game.
I like the simplicity of the game and the size of the game itself.
for improvement
1.the space probe need to be faster at starting
2.starting counter is necessary as i died many times
3.aestroids must have a better graphics and movement as they are like flies roaming in and out.

future-games 4 years ago

Thank you! I have gotten many complaints about dying on spawn, so I will make it that you have a few seconds of invincibility on spawn. This will give the space probe more time to start up, but I will improve that too. I will also improve the asteroid movement if you like.

marc_games 4 years ago

I thought there is some "space" physics, but
* the probe is more acting like a car or a shopping cart (I mean it's like the probe is on wheel)
* the asteriods are moving like flies

Except the "space" thing, the gameplay is correct.

future-games 4 years ago

Thank you for the feedback, I am working on better physics, it’s pretty hard.

Michael 4 years ago

Physics Mechanics
Mechanics needs to be better

future-games 4 years ago

What do you mean?

OrfeasWorldGamesStudio 4 years ago

Animation Controls
This Game Is much better than i imagined!! Great Work, you can do better controls :)

future-games 4 years ago

Thank you! I have worked for a while on this :) I will try to make better controls.

manojvamshi18 4 years ago

Level Design Game Graphics
you did a great job bro. no worries, u can improve by your next game. good luck

future-games 4 years ago

LOL this was my second game. Thanks! (My latest game is Now You See Me)

raflytamam42 3 years ago

Animation Controls
Nice Game Bro great job, u can improve the control for next update

future-games 3 years ago

OK, thanks!

SaberTooth-Studios 3 years ago

Physics Animation
Great Game! The physics in this game is nice!

future-games 3 years ago

Thanks Saber :)

Orcavan 3 years ago

Game Graphics Level Design
keep up the good work! i am wondering, did you make this game yourself?

future-games 3 years ago

Yes, and I have much better games at

PakistaniGammer 3 years ago

Game Graphics
Superb game i got addictive with this game .physics in this game is just osam

future-games 3 years ago

:D thanks!

joshuaeweston 3 years ago

Level Design Level Design
Pretty fun game. It was nice, simple and to the point. My eight year old had a blast playing it and your other titles.

future-games 3 years ago

Thank you! I'm actually really glad you (and your eight year old) had fun playing it! FUN FACT: I was 8 when I made my first prototype of Meteor Run!

future-games 3 years ago

Thank you! I'm actually really glad you (and your eight year old) had fun playing it! FUN FACT: I was 8 when I made my first prototype of Meteor Run!

future-games 3 years ago

Sorry, it commented the same thing twice for some reason :(

ABNI98 3 years ago

Game Graphics
I really like your game !! Good Job

future-games 3 years ago

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed!

Kidsdi 3 years ago

Game Graphics Physics
I like your game !! Good Job

future-games 3 years ago


Velos_Games 3 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics
The game has a very unique style but it would be awesome if it just had more to it and smoother and more satisfying mechanics.

future-games 3 years ago

Hey! I'll consider editing it and changing the framerate :). We now also have a game a bit like this but WAY BETTER here:

NAITIK-singh-coder-944 3 years ago

Good game sir keep it up

future-games 3 years ago


FlyingZucchini 3 years ago

This game is phenomanal! Great job! I loved playing it!

future-games 3 years ago

Hey FZ!!

DeadTrigger 2 years ago

I like it, its like asteroids but you are only worried about keeping the probe safe. Some places that I think need the most improvement are as follows:

The fact that you can start the game and already be on a meteor, you may want to prevent them from spawning on the player.
The alert box telling you the final score feels annoying and unnecessary since the score is still visible in the game itself.
Sometimes I was hit when the meteor was close to my probe, other times I was not hit when it passed through the corner of my probe. A more clear hit box would be nice.
I could not figure out how to move for the first 4 plays (1 of those plays a meteor spawned on the probe)

Otherwise I had fun, my high score is 18!

SDNetting 2 years ago

Mechanics Physics
Necesitas adaptar mejor los colisionadores de los objetos en juego, de ahí el resto del juego me gustó :3

Jaythegreatlol 2 years ago

Game Graphics Physics
awesome and really great but gravity dosent work

igdstudio1316 1 year ago

Game Graphics Game Graphics
i can make a better one with gravity

AdamStepinski 1 year ago

Tutorial/Learning Curve Game Graphics
-very hard
-add shooting, vfx
-nice background environment, gives the game a style

hazeycode 1 year ago

Tutorial/Learning Curve Controls
- Not a fan of the tank controls but a small improvement would be to map WASD as well as the arrow keys.

- Why not follow the player instead of screen wrapping?

- Alert box on death is awful

- Really cool that you get different music on each play. But the music is pretty bad.

RoastMaster 1 year ago

Oh great, another dodging game. I don't know about you, but the thought of spending my time dodging meteors doesn't exactly get my heart racing. And let's not forget the thrilling objective of the game: surviving. Wow, what an innovative concept. And how do I play this game, you ask? Oh, just open the spaceprobe folder and double-click on spaceprobe.html. Because nothing says "user-friendly" like having to navigate through folders just to play a mediocre game. And if the version isn't enough for you, don't worry, there's also a Game Jolt version. Because apparently, the world needs multiple versions of a game where you dodge meteors. Honestly, I think I'll pass on this one.
(This is just a roast, I'm sorry for any offence)

MrBikeGuy 8 months ago

I know this guy and he made the game in two hours when he was 11 years old, how about you try?

MrBikeGuy 8 months ago

Hi there fg remember me??

xCzur3k 8 months ago

bro this dev sucks all his games are trash

xCzur3k 7 months ago

huh why did it add itself?

SaptadipSasmal 8 months ago

Interesting but.... needs work

reiniere2024 7 months ago

the asteroids ARE LIKE BUGS lol

ig299 7 months ago

idk what to thin k of this game.....
Roast Em
