Own way


Beat the track in your own way, using multiple abilities and their multiple combinations


david 4 years ago

Game Graphics UI Graphics
this is a really nice game.

ZbyszekKielbasa 4 years ago

Can you tell me what you don't really like about UI?

Hobmo 4 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics
Neon graphics are minimalist/nice.
When you run into the yellow walls, there's a large amt of visual clutter on the screen. It can block the player's view so they can't play the game. This is my biggest complaint.
Hitting yellow blocks doesn't always destroy them-sometimes they clog the field and mess you up later. This is inconsistent and needs to change; either they always immediately break, or they always stay. Otherwise it feels unpredictable in a bad way.
Hitting blocks also pushes the player around a bit, which is similarly unpredictable and frustrating.
On a related note the green blocks are never destroyed; this is consistent at least, but I don't like the feeling of wanting to move my cube and having the green block be blocking me. It feels frustrating.
I'm also not sure why the cube rotates on impacting with anything. It doesn't serve any gameplay purpose so I assume it's just how the Unity physics works-maybe lock it's rotation so it's always straight, or add a gameplay purpose to it.
The cube moves pretty fast but feels a bit sluggish to control, like it's kinda sliding on ice.
I'd suggest working on these problems/the core mechanics before doing anymore work on the upgrades, as the core gameplay is most important :)

Hobmo 4 years ago

If that was useful, pls give feedback on my project :)

ZbyszekKielbasa 4 years ago

Rotation of the cube is just another way to indicate that you're colliding with objects, it's purpose is the same as sound effect. About movement, I feel that snappy controls wouldn't really work in this type of game.

But thanks for feedback nonetheless.

vladyslu 4 years ago

Hey. I love your game. I got 2800 points so far.
I made a similar game before for a jam. It was about a snowball that can increase in its size.
It would be cool if you added some coins to collect and to buy all these abilities.
Also, I made a video about me playing your game. I hope you will like it. Also, I am hosting a jam(with prizes) that is going to happen at the end of following September.
The video is here https://youtu.be/5rpwW1nvtE8
The link to the jam is in the description under the video.

vladyslu 4 years ago

I am sorry that I make so many gramatical mystakes. I forgot to check what I write. I’m working on improving my English. This language isn’t my first language, so please excuse any mistakes.

ZbyszekKielbasa 4 years ago

Thanks for making a video about my game, that was very cool from you, and thanks to that I found that the bars for abilities are bugged, and I should making it clearer that the perks are only perks, they are supposed to enhance the abilities and aren't ability themself. As for invitation to jam, I'm sorry but I work pretty slowly on the games, so I wouldn't be able to meet the time limit. And the game is similiar to cluster truck because I was taking inspiration from it. And as for level system, currency to buy upgrades and etc. I didn't really wanted to make a saving system for those things as this game was just a side project, but maybe in the future when inspiration hits, I will make it.

But thanks for feedback and good luck with the jam.

vladyslu 4 years ago

It is fine. Do not worry. I followed your Game jolt page, so I may play and make videos with your games in the future. Thank you for checking my video out.

gr4ntz 4 years ago

Mechanics UI Graphics
simple physic based runner game, but the ability system gave it more depth. Some of the ability are too op compared to another. The neon graphic gave a futuristic look to the simple graphic however, there is a lot to be desired for the UI graphic

ZbyszekKielbasa 4 years ago

What are the things you don't really like about UI? And do you have any suggestions or ideas how to improve it?

But thanks for feedback nonetheless.

gr4ntz 4 years ago

it looks too plain and felt out of place because of the different art direction with the game neon art. maybe make the UI with neon style too

thepowerlies 4 years ago

Game Graphics Physics
Played your game couple of days ago but forgot to put a review

Two easy change that can improve the game:
1. Lower the sound effect volume (compared to music)
2. After the time stop ability (which slows you) increase the speed back to normal on a lower rate (taking more time)


OrfeasWorldGamesStudio 4 years ago

Game Graphics
the game if awesome! but i would like if there was a download link not a browser :(

future-games 4 years ago

I agree!

vrabcex 4 years ago

Game Graphics Level Design
Level design is absolutely mad! I couldn't survive more than 20 seconds! Graphics are awesome, but make the starting levels a little bit easier. As the tie goes increase the difficulty slightly.

ZbyszekKielbasa 4 years ago

There are no levels, it's just one long track, and if you're having problems just use slowmotion, I made it pretty overpowered, so that it could be used as easy mode in a sense.

Teearr 4 years ago

Game Graphics Tutorial/Learning Curve
The opening menu saying "Abilities" was a bit scary and I would've preferred a gameplay tutorial that taught me the value of "Abilities" so I can decide how to use them.
The game also doesn't teach itself very well. Possibly more tutorials rather than constantly dying at the beginning.
This game seems like it would be exhausting for me after 5 minutes straight of playing and I suggest adding in "breaks" for the player.
When I crash through the pale yellow blocks at the beginning, it's annoying that the broken pieces briefly block my vision of what's ahead which would make me feel like this caused me to lose at that point in time if I did die.

ZbyszekKielbasa 4 years ago

Thanks for the feedback, but what do you mean by "breaks" for the player? And I agree that maybe I should have added even ealier something to encourage players to use abilities, but I disagree with there being a need for tutorials for those abilities, I implemented them the way I did, because in my opinion it's more fun to find out what ability does what, and what is the best combination of those abilities.

Teearr 4 years ago

You're welcome, and I kind of enjoy giving feedback.
When I say "breaks" I mean regular relief from non-stop concentration of playing the cube and dodging obstacles. For example, have a checkpoint every 10 seconds that pauses/slows the game for 5 seconds before it goes back to normal.
Fair enough if you don't want to teach your game abilities but in my case, I never used them because there was no easy way to learn about them. For players like me, the abilities might as well have not been in the game. If abilities are fun and valuable to the player, the game designer should communicate this really well.
Roast Em