

Otherworld is a collaborative roleplaying game that takes place in a limbo between life and death. Your character died some time between the years of 1530 and 1800 AD. Instead of landing in Heaven, they landed in a strange world where you start off with nothing and have to craft every item from scratch, including iron and steel. All the characters exist in the same, shared world. You can unlock zones and locations to advance further and discover new resources. Lead lost souls into their destinations to earn coins and purchase items and livestock.   Check out the Trello board (link available on the website) to read about potential new features and suggest your own for a chance to influence the direction the game develops.   Actions use either AP, which is gained once an hour, or timers, with repeats ranging from 30 seconds to 5 minutes. The game is designed for people who spend a lot of time on the computer and like stopping by to carry out short actions between browsing.   The game includes a separate chat for each location. Currently there is no worldwide chat, but this might eventually change.

There are lost souls that ask to be taken to a place. When you lead them to their desired location, they disappear and leave you with some coins, which you can spend at the traveling trader, currently found at Euss Plains.   The side menu stays open on larger screens and only auto-collapses on small screens (mobile).   Cookpots now take wood from the ground automatically, so you no longer have to put wood inside.   It's now possible to make meatloaf and pancakes.   There is a test cow and chicken that can be harvested for eggs and milk once every 11 hours. They can be found at Euss Plains.   It's now possible to name your children once they exit the baby stage. If the child already has a player then that player gets to name the character themselves.   Locations now have descriptions (for the most part).   The css oversight that item descriptions used to go on top of item graphics on small screens has been fixed.   Deposits and buildings now have icons.   It's now possible to encounter and hunt wild animals without leaving the location.

Some minor bug fixes and visual changes.

Planned for the nearby future:

  • Domesticated animals should be able to eat from a trough instead of having to be given food one at a time. The plan is you can just dump grain in a trough and click a button to feed them all at once.
  • Locks should be purged if they have 0 health left. The plan is to purge them once a day or every other day, which gives the owner a chance to repair the lock even if it was completely broken.
  • Introduction of sheep, harvesting wool and making wool yarn, cloth, and clothing.
Things planned to be implemented fairly soon but not likely for the next update:
  • livestock merchant (estimate: end of August/early September)
  • furniture to boost resting (estimate: September) - beds, chairs, sofas
  • pigs that can be harvested for pork sausages, which can be used for cooking or eaten as is
  • quests 31-38
  • using wicker as firewood for ovens and cookpots

Things that will happen if we get enough players:
  • a second continent
  • more natural resources (grapes, cotton, gold, silver, tomatoes, tobacco)
  • horses for pulling carts and riding
  Things that might happen:
  • river travel and bridges
  • ensnaring animals so they cannot run away from you when you try to fight them


Mike 1 year ago

Mechanics Game Graphics
I'm not into text-based games, so take what I say with a grain of salt.

-Everything seems to work properly and is easy to use.
-I like the features to interact with other players on many levels.
-The quests are good to get into the game and feel rewarding.
-The systems (e.g., crafting) have plenty of content and look very polished.

Needs work:
- Consider giving players the option to create a temporary account without providing an email address, at least for the beta.
-The pace of the game is too slow for my taste. I'm rather impatient, so 5 minutes feels like a long time to me.
-The game feels empty. I was reading about NPCs, but there seemed to be none around.
-Graphics would be nice. A map to see where you're going would help a lot.

I think this game has potential. If you manage to get players into the game so that the social features can be used, it might be an interesting experience.

IlonaW 1 year ago

Hi, thank you so much for reviewing my game

IlonaW 1 year ago

Aw man, I wrote a long reply but it only posted the first row and then apparently deleted all the rest because there was an emoji and apparently that breaks the system. Let's see if I can summarize it from memory. - I could allow players to create one character with an unverified email address. They can't really do permanent damage, since there is no permadeath in the game, but the other day (before I put a cap on characters) someone created 11 characters and beat up a couple of people, creating 200+ events in the chat. - I could potentially edit the game so that 1 minute turns into 10 seconds and so forth. Currently the shortest supported timer is 1 minute, but it's changeable with programming, it just requires a bit of work. I'm mainly concerned that since all characters share the same world, if one player crafts all the items, there will be nothing left to accomplish for ones who come later. Some sort of deterioration can be a solution, and also when characters turn inactive and go on vacation, their inventory is inaccessible to others. Since machinery is available to everyone in a location, some sort of breakage/upkeep would have to be introduced, as well as buildings turning into ruins after a while. - About NPCs, currently when someone has a baby, it turns into an NPC after 7 days and can then be used to gather resources for you. The NPCs have no dialog trees, so it's true the world feels empty when PCs aren't saying anything. I'm not experienced with writing dialogue, so I'm going to have to think about how to make the game feel more alive. - I agree a graphical map would be good. I'm going to have to think about what sort of a visual look to go with. I suppose I could create placeholder graphics and upgrade them later when the kinks are ironed out. Again, thanks for taking the time to review this. I really appreciate it.
Roast Em
