
Do you remember how to to mix colors? Show your color mixing skills in this fast-paced arcade game which will give your reflexes and brain a truly hard challenge.

Let the falling blocks pass the laser by having the laser output the same color as the block. Switching the color on the laser is accomplished by turning on and off the three buttons. Should you fail match the color of the block, it will be vaporized and you will lose a life, reducing the strength of your laser. The laser will regain strength with every block you manage to score. Simply swipe the laser left and right while it's strength is reduced to move it.

There are 12 different speed levels in the game, ranging from very easy to extremely hard. To unlock new speed levels you have to collect a certain amount of blocks in a single game. You can then choose to start at a higher level to avoid having to go through the lower levels each time. All score and coin gains are multiplied by the respective level number, which means that playing on a higher level will give you a higher score and more coins.

Compete with your people all over the world on the global leaderboard and try to unlock all the achievements. Spend your hard-earned coins in the shop to unlock different models for the falling blocks.

There are two different controls to choose between. Either you tap buttons to turn them on and then tap on them again to turn them off. Or you can choose the hold mode, where the buttons will be switched on whenever you hold your finger on them.

You can also switch between three different color mixing models, namely RYB, RGB and CMY.

Version 1.6.0 gives LASR a more unified look and feel.

  • New background.
  • New models for the falling objects.
  • New menu button design.
  • Help screen got a face lift.
  • New font.


nevercade 8 years ago

Mechanics Game Graphics
I didn't get a chance to try out the game since for whatever reason my phone decided the play store wasn't gonna work right now but from the trailer I'd say that I really like the mechanics of the game, but there's like 3 visual styles going on. There's the pixel art counter, then vector sprites, and then the buttons and lasers which are kinda a realistic style.. I feel like it would be really useful to figure out what kind of style you wanna go for in your next game or in an update and make sure everything looks like it belongs and fits together nicely :D

Brulugames 8 years ago

Thank you for your feedback. Haven't thought about that with different styles, but now when you say it. Would you rather like a lasery font? And what about the sprites, how could I improve them?

Brulugames 8 years ago

I just released version 1.6.0 with updated grahpics. Give it a whirl and tell me what you think! :)

nevercade 8 years ago

oh cool, sorry for not responding before, I'll check out the new version in a sec

BinaryMonks 8 years ago

Dig the game!

The UI is good. The idea is simple but fun. You have implemented it in a nice clean way.

I found that I was expecting the balls to hit the laser though, so I was changing colours to early and losing life, thinking that I had matched the ball already.

Last thing, all colours = white, not black. Took me a while to realise this was backwards.

Brulugames 8 years ago

Thank you. About the balls hitting, I have struggled to decide exactly how the balls interact with the laser. I went with that the laser is some kind of forcefield and to be able to pass through completely the ball must match the color the whole time, otherwise it will be vaporized.

About the colors, what you said is true about the RGB model where red + green + blue equals white. However, the CMY and RYB color models are subtractive mixing, which means that you start with white and mixing all the colors gives you black. Or in reality, a brown mess for RYB.

BinaryMonks 8 years ago

Ah, cool. I was thinking of the actual light spectrum. And Lasers. :)

Brulugames 8 years ago

Through the settings menu you can switch between RGB, CMY and RYB so that everyone can use their favourite mixing model. So try to play with RGB and see if it fits you more nicely! :)

BinaryMonks 8 years ago

Nice! Was not trying to give you a hard time. It is a great little fast thinking game.

Brulugames 8 years ago

No problem! I love feedback. That means someone actually played the game! :)

shlippy 8 years ago

Hi there, this is a really cool idea for a game. You have done a nice job on it and everything works well. I would say the UI needs improving, especially on the title screen. Also when the balls hit the laser i think there should be some sort of reaction. Maybe an effect like they have for explosions in geometry wars. I think it would improve the feel of the game. Other than that tho this is pretty sweet.

Brulugames 8 years ago

Yeah I'm not too happy about the title screen either. Planning on changing it. Do you have any suggestions? Also, does the game UI need improvements as well? Will also keep in mind some sort of reaction. Glad you liked it.

shlippy 8 years ago

I think you should check out the most popular puzzle games on the app store/play store and try get some ideas from them. Especially the ones with nice UI. Try and keep the UI consistent throughout the game. If you check out videos of geometry wars 3 I think that style of UI would suit your game.

Brulugames 8 years ago

I will check it out. Thanks!

Brulugames 8 years ago

Working on the UI as we speek. I'm currently at this:

Brulugames 8 years ago

And version 1.7.0 is now out with a new UI.

shlippy 8 years ago

Hi there, i've played the new version and the UI is looking pretty good. I think the yellow and orange works well. I think the purple-y colour might be too much. Not sure tho! I think when the balls hit the laser they should explode if they are the right colour. Not if they are the wrong colour. Anyway i'm waffling. Nice updates so far!


jaggygames 8 years ago

Mechanics Game Graphics

I really like the idea but was a bit confused when I kept losing lives. I thought adding the colours would create white.

When all of the colours are selected I realised it actually makes black which would be fine but the black laser has white in it so I thought it was white!

Otherwise it's enjoyable!

PS: I noticed after this there's an option to change the colour mode - a great addition!

sourabhkatkar3733 7 years ago

Nice Game!!!

Liked to Play!!!

Need to work on Animation

gdkarthik92 7 years ago

Game Graphics Level Design
Graphics are decent, game Design needed to be improved

Overall a decent game

SilentKiller 6 years ago

Please put in a thing for ios so I can play it , it is not on my phone since it is ios not android

nathanGroovy 6 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics
This game is a cool concept and I like how it plays for the most part. The idea of mixing colors is cool. What I didn't like was eventually having to swipe left and right to make sure the laser hit the ball. Moving the laser and changing the color at the same time was too much to keep up with. If it was just changing colors and keeping with the balls falling down, that would be better. Other than that I thought the game was pretty solid.

ExtrysGO 5 years ago

Mechanics Mechanics
i like so much the mechanics, but also i dislike it to
cause it is original but also difficuld to use
Roast Em
