

Thanks for all the incredible responses!

I have had alot of work in school and haven't had the time to work on the game for a while so the code doesn't feel familiar anymore so I think i will leave it here.

I will start fresh on a new game with all the experience from this one and all of your amazing critique and if you have any ideas for it please comment them below. 
New Game

P.S. If anyone is interested in making the art and animations for the new game please tell me since I am horrible at drawing.


This is a platformer where your goal is to make it to the other end of the room without falling down or getting killed by the enemies. There is also a fun local 1v1 mode. Please help with any ideas on what to improve.

Singleplayer: WASD and mouse 1
1v1 Player 1: WASD and space
1v1 Player 2: arrowkeys and shift

-Pause menu and the ability to go back to the start menu
-Basic music, all exclusive by Hemming. For more music by him please visit

-Music and Fx control
-More details in animations


Matroix 6 years ago

Game Graphics Story/Writing/Dialogue
The game is good but it can be better

Henrik_Pontoppidan 6 years ago

Thank you, the game is under developement and is constantly improving. If you can clarify what you thought was bad and needed improvement i will gladly fix it. After all i strive to improve the experience for the player.

Nanuk 6 years ago

UI Graphics Mechanics
I see a lot of potential in terms of how smooth everything runs. The transitions between levels and respawning is rather clean. I really like how fluid it feels, and the UI, for both the main menu, and the game itself is alright (although I don't understand the red bar on top). But the sprites are... well... pretty bad. When you change from one room to the other, it sends you to the beginning of the room, not to where the transition door was previously. In terms of controls, I feel the double jump could use a bit of refining (it's quite difficult to perfectly time a double jump at times), and the POV in general is a bit weird (I rage quited when I died because I couldn't see a platform I needed to get to). Maybe fixing the camera would be nice. The enemies kill you even if they're already dead, which is something I don't see a reason for. All in all... I think you should make your sprites a bit less sophisticated, and maybe even make them very simple, but functional. Worry about clean and smooth animations, not graphically complex things. The controls took me a bit of time to understand, and I forgot how to change weapons (might not even be an option, but then I wouldn't understand why you can pick up ammo). Regardless, good luck for the future releases!

Aesthetics 6 years ago

Mechanics Game Graphics
The art work could use some work (especially on heroes), but the concept is interesting.

Huiji-studios 6 years ago

Mechanics Game Graphics
I loved how the game controlled, it felt smooth.
A couple of times when I tried to load up the game in full screen, my screen just started rapidly flashing.
Other than that, great game!

Harvey 6 years ago

I played the game and right now...the game needs a lot of work.

Firstly, many of the platforms are hard to reach meaning that you either need to increase the jump distance for the double jump or make the jumps more floaty.

The second problem is that enemies..atleast the first ones you come across with take too long to get killed. On top of this, even if you touch them upon killing them, you still die which shouldn't happen but seeing this is a beta, I'm positive that this is something you'll work on eventually.

And lastly..the art. Now look, I get it. This is probably the best you can draw and do but the art looks rather sluggish and disorienting with nothing standing out. Best to find someone to draw for you if you aren't skilled in arts.

Apart from this, I can't really say much because its still work in progress.

DCGsoft 6 years ago

Animation Game Graphics
i like the mouse shooting part
i would like to see some cowboys shooting
interesting concept by the way

Euphoria 6 years ago

well it's nice but it's kinda confusing i mean what do i do with the shotguns bullets and where do i go after i killed the first 2 enemy , and why do the bullet respawn , other then that i like the screen shake when shooting and the music

Fedron 6 years ago

Mechanics Game Graphics
IMO the sprites look kind of weird. Especially the player, he has a lot of jagged lines on him.

Lightvolt 6 years ago

Controls Game Graphics
The game feels very fluid and controls great! However, the graphics are definitely lacking. I like the main character's design, but everything else looks quite plain.

ClawsUpGames 6 years ago

Controls Mechanics
I think enemies have way too much life, it makes the shooting part not very rewarding and quite tedious.
The Level Design needs to be reworked too.
Nice effort though :)

salsapixel 6 years ago

Controls Game Graphics
Enemies are too hard to kill. Also the graphics could be better :)

Monsterfingergames 6 years ago

Animation Game Graphics
Firstly I think it really has some potential.

Few issues, firstly I feel like the enemies take way too many shots to kill (try and make the player feel empowered at the beginning of the game)
I would work more on your graphics, add some shading based on light source etc.

I found the music on the title screen literally ear piercing as the sounds where very high pitched so maybe lower the volume of the music.

Maybe build the first level in a similar way to Mario where it shows you how to play it without the need for text boxes.

Look forward to how it progresses.

Henrik_Pontoppidan 6 years ago

Thanks for all the incredible responses!

I have had alot of work in school and haven't had the time to work on the game for a while so the code doesn't feel familiar anymore so I think i will leave it here.

I will start fresh on a new game with all the experience from this one and all of your amazing critique and if you have any ideas for it please comment them below.

P.S. If anyone is interested in making the art and animations for the new game please tell me since I am horrible at drawing.


shindig82 5 years ago

Controls Game Graphics
It is actually pretty fun to play, despite the graphics. though i couldnt get past the second room(the second jump just seemed to be too far). Given a few more game mechanics, better/more art, slightly easier/more fluid level design and it'd be real good.

Andre_Marques 5 years ago

Mechanics Game Graphics
I liked the game feel that you have on your shooting mechanic and the level transitions. But the graphics need a lot of work. Also the level design needs improvement because of the learning curve.
Roast Em