Behind Enemy Lines


Early access game of a top-down shooter. The mission of the game is to escape moving forward from mission to mission and clearing the enemies. The enemies increase as the danger level increases. Each level spawns more and more difficult enemies.

A small top-down shooter game. Short game with quick shooting, power ups and player upgrading. Please provide feedback.

Use your Keyboard and mouse to play this game.  Hold down the right mouse button to aim and hold down the left mouse button to continuous fire.

Destroy the towers and boss to move to the next mission. The enemies will not stop spawning until the towers and mission boss are eliminated. 

Press A: Move Left

Press D: Move Right

Press W: Move Up

Press S: Move Down

Mouse Right: Aim

Mouse Left: Shoot

Press Space: Dash

Press R: Active Powerup

Press P: Pause

Press Home: Fullscreen

Hint: keep moving forwards to the towers by following the blue arrow. The towers spawn health.


nyanroaster 8 months ago

Game Graphics Mechanics
The game has good graphics and physics but its buggy. The game froze twice while I was playing

kookoojames 8 months ago

Thank you for feedback, were you playing it on the web and what browser? Thanks again.

nyanroaster 8 months ago

Yup, mozilla

ig299 7 months ago

Game Graphics
Looks cool i i really like the top down view

bbrainstormer 7 months ago

Game Graphics Mechanics
This game struggles from a lack of identity. The gameplay just feels so plain and boring. If you want to take this further, you'll have to choose what you want this game to be. Do you want a game like Hotline Miami? Vampire Survivors? Enter the Gungeon?
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.? You need to decide now, while options are available. Hell, try multiple, and see what works and what doesn't.

Here are a couple smaller things. Many of these will depend on the route you take as much as anything, but it's still worth pointing them out.
1. Upgrades are boring. They need a massive overhaul. Picking which stat to marginally upgrade is not ideal.
2. Aim assist on a mouse is weird. I don't like it. Get rid of it. Save it for the controller players
3. I'd change the "aim" mechanic to be optional, like ads-ing in most fps games. Taking the time to aim increases your accuracy, gives you a sightline, and maybe some other benefits like projectile speed, but at the cost of movement speed, and you can't shoot while in the processing of aiming. Either that, or get rid of it. Depens on the type of game.
4. The player's gun needs some tweaks. It's just not satisfying to use. More guns would also be neat. Shotguns, smgs, sniper rifles, lmgs, assault rifles, the like
5. Stamina has too high a maximum and regenerates too slow. I shouldn't be able to dash 6 times in a row and then not be able to dash for what feels like a solid minute.

Toomadzaki 7 months ago

Game Graphics Controls
Pretty Cool, but game control is ugly((( And laggy

Roast Em