sweetteastudio's Profile

Ranked #98


850 Points

ZDU: Zombie Disposal Unit

A survival, level-up game featuring a robot vs zombies.In addition to roasting me here, I'd love additional feedback:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1xuAtsTwfXDniPZ_dast4np6YHgZSWwpedlFJJQYU0k4Flavor text:The year is 2256.A new kind of virus is discovered and humankind has proven unable to withstand it. This virus unleashed the first zombie outbreak this planet has seen. The first response to the zombies was all out war, but the zombies mutated uncontrollably. Decades later, the virus is decidedly uncurable.The remaining uninfected have relocated to Space Station Redemption to wait for Project Squeaky Clean to be complete.  Humankind's survival now hinges on their automated cleanup robots called  "Zombie Disposal Units" or ZDUs, designed by engineer John Scerri.  Will the ZDUs and their auto-fire turrets be able to clear the Earth of the zombie scourge? Can you survive?

Game Graphics Controls

I really like the comicbook aesthetic you have going on here. IMO, the blocks and the background should be more contrasting colors... red on red doesn't look that great.

My first issue is controls... at first I tried to swipe rather than just hold and move. A tutorial overlay in the beginning might be nice.
Also, I really want the sounds... I know that will come later, but it looks pretty good, I just wish it sounded good.

I will admit I didn't get very far, but I hope / want to see power ups... maybe screen shakes? other "juicy" things in the game.

3 years ago

Great suggestions. I plan on doing an iOS release someday. No plans for standalones yet, but maybe someday.

3 years ago
Mechanics Controls

Let me start by saying, I like this game. I have a bunch of opinions here, so take them or leave them.

Main menu UI is a bit busy and takes some getting used to. Maybe have a few sub menus, like a hanger... honestly, if you could get the number of buttons down to 10, that would be an improvement (may have to do some nesting).
When I middle click to emote, I shouldn't have to be directly on the button, but pointing in the direction of it. same with heal menus.
Using the mouse wheel might be a nice way to switch weapons.
Want things I destroy to explode / leave pieces behind rather than shrink.
Recoil was a nice touch on firing. Consider camera shakes as well (just slight).
Shift should make me "sprint", space bar should be "ship special".
Minimap should probably be in bottom left or bottom right (per convention).

3 years ago

Great feedback! I myself am not an artist, so I take no offence to the art not being the best. Glad you liked it.

3 years ago

Thank you so much for saying so! Let me know if there is anything I can do to make it better, and tell every person you've ever met to download, play, and give me good reviews on Google Play, haha.

3 years ago

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