micatrix's Profile

Ranked #220


525 Points

Leak Elite

Hack more than 50 servers by exploiting their bugs and making them crash in this tricky turn-based puzzle game.But be careful! There's always some cybersecurity expert looking to track you and hand your identity to the FBI.Experience a realistic hacking narrative. No evil corporations here. All dialogue in the game is based on chat logs from real hackers.

Mechanics Mechanics

- It's not that easy to match enemy's and player's units. I think it should be more immediate to understand which player's unit can kill a certain enemy unity (they should be of the same type, an horseman kill an horseman, a spearman kill a spearman, etc.).

- Controls are a bit clunky. It's a bit annoying you can move a unit only a square at a time and you can't select a new unit if another unit is already selected (you need to deselect it before).

- The learning curve is a bit steep. The first two levels are ok but I think the third one is a bit too difficult at that stage of the game (I played the first 5 levels).

- A simple interactive tutorial could be useful to make the player understand the ui.

Anyway I liked the concept and the theme and I think that with a lot of polishing it could become a good game.

4 years ago
Story/Writing/Dialogue Mechanics

I think the gameplay ruins a potentially interesting atmospheric game with a very good mood and music.
I'd been like to go on to see more but the gameplay was too difficult and annoying and I finally gave up.

I think a point and click gameplay should be more suited to the game or, if you prefer to keep this action mechanics you should make the game a lot easier (at least at the begininng).

4 years ago

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