locojosh2's Profile

Ranked #2070


135 Points


No games here

UI Graphics Level Design

The idea of a programming game seems interesting
The image cover of the game seemed promising

However, when I played the game, the only thing I could do was insert my name.
It then asks me "What would you like to do". I didn't really know what to answer. But when I answer something, the game does not do anything else. Does the demo end here? It would be great to see some more content.

3 years ago
Game Graphics Mechanics

- Really nice graphics. I really liked this part of the game
- Good music and sounds
- Simple and easy to understand UI and menu
- Pretty interesting story
- Nice looking characters

- Main con: I don't know whether I was doing the right choice or not when I released, isolated or decapitated a patient.
- Second main con: I couldn't know the condition of the disease without tapping the outbreak tab
- I don't know why I lost each time. My decisions? Number of infections?
- I passed level 1 by tapping the release button very fast
- The game lasted longer if I tapped any of the release, isolation or decapitation buttons very fast
- How do you know a patient has abscesses? Combination of Tired Cough and Muscles Pain?
- Chat: The way I know who is talking is by the picture of the character. It would be nice to include the name of the character in the dialogue.
- Chat: Orthographic mistake in first chat: Double negative: (Chancellor) "Captain, the situation doesn't isn't that dire..."
- I thought the timer at the top right was the time played, I later realized it was the hours of the day. It would be great to make this clearer.
- After losing several times, the screen looked weird. There was a bunch of text on the top left and I had to press the question mark in order to continue.

- Constantly know the condition (An idea: a percentage box you always can see without switching tabs?)
- Better feedback on decisions taken on patients (An idea I have: show that more people are getting infected when you make wrong conditions and sometimes get a prize when you make right decisions)

I must say again that the graphics are really nice

3 years ago
UI Graphics Mechanics

- Muy buenos gráficos en general
- Muy simple de entender cómo jugar
- Buena combinación de colores
- Las partículas al presionar el botón añaden un efecto bueno
- Me gusta la animcación de los botones
- Conectarte a la tabla de posiciones para compararte a otros es una buena funcionalidad

- Cuando estás jugando, estás concentrado en tocar el botón correcto. Por esta razón no puedes ver bien la barra que muestra cuanto tiempo aún tienes. Sería bueno que puedas darte cuenta cúanto tiempo tienes sin tener que mirar la barra y así distraerte del juego. Una idea que tengo es que en lugar de una barra, sea un color que ocupa toda la pantalla y se vaya vaciando cuando tengas menos tiempo
- Más modos de juego sería bueno. Una idea que se me ocurre es un modo aventura o mapa, en el cual vas pasando por diferentes niveles, cada uno con un fondo y música diferente
- Desbloquear habilidades talvez lo haría un poco más interesante

En general, muy bueno el juego! Me gusto

3 years ago

Mirror Plague - Alternative World

Always Green