eberhard's Profile

Ranked #894


250 Points


Endless driving game that seems like those mobile game ads that look pretty cool but are nothing like the actual game. You drive through math fields and increase your level with them, while trying not to touch the railings or the X between the fields, between each field theres an enemy with a realistic level, realistic meaning the higher your level is the more your mistakes matter. Click here to get to the game: DriveForever

Game Graphics Mechanics

It looks pretty neat but when I die it goes into slow mo but it doesn't reset all the time so I am stuck in the game and once it did reset but after I restarted it just kept the slow mo so I had to play in slow motion haha. Other than that pretty cool game.

2 years ago
Story/Writing/Dialogue Controls

Bro this game is incredible. I don't know why but I was hooked immediately. Only thing is the music change bar is placed inside the music text so fix that pls.

2 years ago

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