cnjeffer's Profile

Ranked #2464


105 Points


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Mechanics Tutorial/Learning Curve

Tutorial/Learning Curve - after about 10 minutes of playing I got a pretty good grasp on what the different colored gems do and how the synergise with one and another. The tutorial acted as a guide for me to piece together how it worked by myself, which is great for a certain group but most will not put this type of effort into a mobile game they've just installed. I had to keep going back into the setting and re-enabling the box prompt to remind myself what each color did what, it would have been a lot better if it just told me then and there what the colors did, instead of having to waste a game and reading it while playing.
When learning the game through the box prompts I shouldn't be able to interact witht the game while reading it, I natrually tapped the screen outside the box to trigger the next tutorial page and instead I selected a gem and wasted a turn. Having a hand crafted stage that goes through all the mechanics on everyones first game is an awesome way to counter this.

UI - At times I wished the blank space around the play area was utilsied more. Being able to open a prompt that tells me briefily what all the colors mean and different points gained from what shapes would be an awesome quality of life feature. As well as how many points I just gained form the combonation I made, making it a lot less tedious to optomise my stratergy.
Occasionally my fingers in the menu screens would press 2 buttons at once, maybe just spread them apart a bit more to prevent this.

Highscores - Having more than 10 scores saved seems kind of pointless, I only want to know what my best scores are.If possible even who, I would love to hand my mates this game and see if they can beat my highscores. Adding the classic 3 letter ID at the end of a game would be great! I can imagine some players get annoyed at having to input a 3 letter name at the end of every game so maybe adding a simple already used ID section will remove this annoyance.

Achievements - As a personal preference I like to know what it takes to comeplete an achievment. It allows me to set a goal that drives me to continue playing the game until I have completed said achievement. Currently all I have to go off of are some basic titles.

Bugs - Haven't ran into any as of yet.

Final Thoughts - Really like the mechanics and how they synergise together, the basic UI and animations are perfect. Sounds seem stock which is fine, somtimes a bit too loud or sharp for the lack of a better term. Highest score before writing this reached was 49, 524. Overall I enjoy this game a fair bit and plan to continue playing and seeing the updates. Good luck!

4 years ago

That sounds awesome, can't wait to see what the game has to offer in the future

4 years ago
Level Design Mechanics

Bugs - There were many many bugs I encountered here I will list them off as a list and how I encountered them and how I managed to become free of them when playing.

Stuck in place after jumping - I would jump into a wall or corner and become stuck in place, still able to move the sprite left to right but not the character. This happened most the time too when wall running. Nearly all walls caused this bug to happen. I was able to move again by either crouching or attacking but was never consistent, I would have to spam to move out.

Infinite wallrunnig at spawn - I could infinitly run at spawn up the wall and teleport back to where the level began.

Stuck in wall running animation - Somtimes when coming out of wall running the sprite would stay horizontal and continue to animate after a few seconds.

Stuck in hit animation - after hitting the punching bags when really close to them I would take damage and stay in the damage hit state but be able to do everything normally.

Jumping boss path would change when hitting wall - title says it all.

Out of map - I could reach areas where enemies would spawn and ambush which causes me to restart the level. Maybe remove this or make it harder to reach.

These were the bugs that stood out the most but mostly animations would play wrong and certain tilesets didn't match or connect properly.

Level Design - The layout of the levels were really nice a fluid (ignoring the bugs) allowing me to push forwards and only needing to stop when attacking, the constant ability to push forward reminds me greatly of sonic.

Enemies - Being able to tell the difference between the enemy types was great, I quickly learnt brown enemies took 1 hit and the pink took 3, and the ranged enemies stood out nicely.

Art Style - Despite the MSPaint look of the main character and enemies I like what they're going for. I personally think the whole game should be of the one art style that is shown through your characters instead of the selected assets for the levels.

4 years ago

Music - really enjoyed the upbeat fastpaced theme, I felt like I had to push forward and never stop.

Overall I see potential but a lot of work will need to be put in to make something good, good luck!

4 years ago

Combo Gems