Spagetticoder's Profile

Ranked #2413


125 Points

Binary Madness
1 Binary Madness is a Binary Puzzle game (also known as Binary sudoku, Binairo or Takuzu). The rules are very simple but the game is very challenging. You can play on a 6x6, 8x8, 10x10 or 12x12 Grid (hardest). You can play it in Browser or download it for Windows.

Game Graphics Game Graphics

All in all I like the game, It´s simple but nice to play.

However, about things that could be improved (Here comes the roast):
- Even if the grafix is very basic, it could be improved a lot to support the game more.
- Specially the cars are way to lowpoly. Comeon, do you have to pay money for each single polygon :D
- Not sure If I could stand the music for very long
- I´m not sure about the long term fun here, but I can only suggest to make the game as changeable as possible.
- Nice title btw, sounds german somehow :D

Nice work, keep it up!

1 year ago

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