Craig214's Profile

Ranked #189


570 Points

The Isekai game: Episode Vanessa

SUMMARY The Isekai Game, a sport where players compete in battle throughout wondrous lands for fame, wealth, and glory.  Cringy magical girl Vanessa has always dreamt becoming a professional player, but held back by her own fears and insecurities.  After receiving an invite from an amateur stadium, she built up the courage to pursue her passion. She joined a team and began training for the upcoming June Event where she'll be evaluated for pro status.  That is until a creepy stalker arrives to shatter her reality.  Rated 18+ due to nudity and suggestive themes.      TIPS/Tricks NOT an easy game.This is not a typical "do a lot of damage to beat the enemy" game. Various skills will have unique effects. I highly recommend poisoning, paralyzing, placing your enemies under illusions to beat CH1. Armors have various uses. Example, light armor (especially Gis) have high evasion. Likewise, Med Bags (accessory) will give access to healing capabilities in non-magical themes such as CH2.   Playtime:4-12 hours     Developer's Note: Hi, this is my first (Sample) game. It's to my webnovel series "The Isekai Game" on It took me almost a year to make. But I'm happy to say that it is functional and captures the vision of my series pretty well.  With this, I hope to gain reviews to hard launch at the end of this year (After a finalized version) and gain investors so that I can start an official game series to the story.  All feedback is welcome. Let me know how I can be better.  Follow me on Instagram @The_Isekai_Game  Download file, extract, play html.

Game Graphics Story/Writing/Dialogue

Spent so much time breaking the third wall, repeatibg info such as the kidnapping and lack of memories that it got boring really quick.

Also, you're doing too much telling with a visual medium. Instead off telling me "......... there's 8 people staring at me" just roll with the scene. I'll see the crowd soon enough.

I was a little hooked by the pictures. But the boringness killed it for me. Especially "Main Character".
I get the comedy. But it was done a little distastful.

I hope my review helps.

1 year ago
Mechanics Animation

Bro, slap some ads in there and I guess upgrade the animation.
This is a game that should be spam marketed and bring in the big bucks. A true gem.
I hope you have more exciting projects coming because this is golden.
My only 2 nitpicks were the animation and you should probably start the players in the tutorials. Playing this before the tutorial is a death trap.

Things that I feel can be improved on, but not important.
1 add more comedy to the roboys. They're already a little sarcastic. So let them roast players.
2 that first turn multplier feels useless. It's only good for the first turn. But gameplay is centered around the long haul. It would make since if it permanently multiplied turn 1's gains. But that's me.

Good luck dude.

1 year ago
Level Design Controls

It was fun.
I made it to level 7 before quitting out of frustration.

1) You can't die or even take damage.
2) The controls feel glitchy kinda.
3) Ads don't work (I like free upgrades).

This game reminds me of Horrorfield for some reason.
So I would love for it to get these bugs worked out and grow in that direction.

Good luck though.
There is potential here.

1 year ago
Level Design Mechanics

Before showing me ads every 20 seconds, please do the following;
1) make sure your game is playable. I had to cloe it out and restart it for it to play.
2) smoothen the controls. The clunky controls is not a good feel and makes the game kinda unbearable.

You had a good concept, but the functionality killed it. I was going with it, but the ads frustrated me on top of the given stress of the game.

1 year ago
Mechanics Level Design

Fun game. I really love these dungeon crawlers.

My only thing is that they feel the same. I could've sworn I played this already at first. Reason being is because it's exactly like the other dungeon crawler game I played.
Great game, but you all should look to differentiate yourselves more. As of now, if you played one, you probably played them all.

One in game problem I have is how do you progress through the story? Am I really supposed to keep replaying the same dungeon?

It's like I just aimlessly wonder into the same dungeon until one day I miracalously find the Prince of Theives or something.
Kinda weird.
Let there be set areas for me to explore and actually find the guy.

1 year ago
Story/Writing/Dialogue Controls

This was kinda weird.
The concept seemed cool. And I'm pretty sure if executed well would be.

But, it came off as an ad fest which frustrated me. This was true on easy mode.

Basically, whenever I clicked to attack the enemy, the fairy would 9/10 not kill it. So that was a hit or miss. So I tried not relying on that and trying to get the words.
I can get letters with no problem. It's the evil nuns I can't kill frequently.
That worked a little better.
But my wizard wasn't healing well enough and getting overwhelmed by the evil nuns.

I think this game needs some tweaking. Either in the controls or the design. Once that's done, this can be a truly good game.

Also, don't force people to watch ads so frequently. If you know the playtime for a level is 10 seconds and an ad is 30 seconds, people will rage quit really quickly. I resisted for the sake of the review.

1 year ago
Level Design Level Design

I wanted to play this, but there is no download link.
I hope you fix this and reply to me.
Your game does seem interesting.

1 year ago
Game Graphics Game Graphics

Hey. It's nice to see another JRPG like mine on here. But can you please upload your game so I can test it?

1 year ago

I'll try downloading to my laptop when I can. Thank you.

1 year ago
Story/Writing/Dialogue Story/Writing/Dialogue

I would love to give this a try.
But there's nothing for me to download.

1 year ago
Game Graphics Game Graphics

Are you posting these to advertise?
I would play and roast your game, I have no way of downloading it.

1 year ago

The Isekai Game: Episode Vanessa.

This site deleted my links and is acting weird now.
It won't even let me update the description.

1 year ago

Null Remastered

Random Number God

Grim Quest

The Isekai game: Episode Vanessa