Abbas's Profile

Ranked #94


880 Points


"Join the adventure of Orbs and start an uphill journey towards an exotic destination!"Hi, everybodyWe are a small team of two indie developers working on a few personal game projects. Recently, we have released a new update for our first game, “ORBDASH”, which was published on a while ago. We want to sincerely ask you to visit our page and help us with some feedback or if you even have some spare time, just kindly download our game and try it.“ORBDASH” is free (although you can donate whatever amount if you like) and can be installed on Windows x64, x32, and Mac. Your feedback is a burning torch in the heart of darkness that leads us to a more insightful approach concerning our next updates and future projects. We’d love to know what you think even if you hate it.Thank you in advance and wish you all health and wealth.

UI Graphics Mechanics


I just played your game and I have to say the idea was really really super cool. I truly enjoyed the core of the story, especially the design and UIs. There were only some issues that could help me like this game even further if they were included. I know it was supposed to be a short game but I have several suggestions if you don't mind;

- The beginning was mute (as long as I played) until the main game finally starts. It could be nicer if the beginning has its own music track.

- When you click UI buttons, there were no SFX, maybe better to have them?

- The first tutorial UIs were kind of long and maybe boring the way they were. Perhaps if you embed some multi-choice questions there and let the player make decisions among those options hook them better and not bored.

- The mechanics when you buy stuff and cook is good but always the same and very stereotypical. A puzzle-type game may fit better to have the player amused by solving them when cooking.

Overall, good job, and btw, I would be beyond happy if you also try our first game, "ORBDASH", on We need honest brutal feedback. If you have some spare time to play it, please tell us what you like and what you dislike. Any opinion is welcomed.

Thank you in advance and keep up the good work.

3 years ago


It seems you've already had a story. Which part of your game do you exactly need help for? Writing the dialogues and action text of your game? Any extra explanation would be more clarifying, please.

3 years ago
Level Design

The game looks amazing. The theme, music, design, effects, etc are charming indeed. Personally like to try it when published. Hope to enjoy the main gameplay as much as I enjoyed the trailer and description. Please take a look at our page, too if you had some spare time.

Thank you and keep up the good work.

3 years ago


Honestly, I haven't played your game yet. But from what I watched in your trailer a few things came to my mind;

1. The genre and gameplay lools intriguing.
2. The music seems spot-on and amusing.
3. The design and UIs are well-crafted and interesting.
4. But the main thing that hurts my eyes is the way camera moves and interacts with the player's movement. It looks very rapid and liquid-form and kinda gives me vertigo. In the long run, I think people like me will feel dizzy and can not continue playing it.

Good job, anyway. I know how difficult it is to design and code such a game. Keep up the good work and if you have some spare time, please take a look at my page, too. Thank you.

3 years ago

Have nothing to say but BRAVO! Excellent gameplay, excellent design, excellent idea, excellent music & SFX, smooth control, and accurate responsive physics. Big thumb-up!

3 years ago

There seems to be no link to download or play the game online! Missing something?

3 years ago


I think Zero Reaction (found no relation between the game in its name) is fast-paced and well-designed (simple yet spot-on). But overall, I believe as the game industry moves farther ahead, these types of games will find less and less audience over time, because they're getting old-fashioned and stereotypical. We also made a game kinda similar to this one last year and still have got no promising result. The game is good concerning the way it's supposed to be, the possible issue I think might be the trend of the market and the audience's altering taste; otherwise, good job.

Also if you have some spare time, please take a look at our page. We have a game called "ORBDASH" which has a lot to share with your game in essence. Any comment or feedback is appreciated.

3 years ago


How can I try your game? Found no link to download or play on the web?

3 years ago

Oh, I see. I was looking for the download link on the right side of the page where links usually are. I just didn't notice the link was in your description. Thank you.

3 years ago


Thank you for the roast. You are right. This was the first game we made and UI graphics need to improve in our next works. Also, trailers will be shorter yet interesting. You did a great favor to us with your feedback.

I see you have two more projects plus Dumpling R' Tough. Would like to try them too when possible.

3 years ago

Your URL doesn't work (at least for me). It opens a blank page with a 404 error. Make sure everything is set properly and I will try to play it at the right time.

3 years ago

Thank you, Sone. I checked your profile. There still seems to exist no game on your page. If you have one in the future, let us know so we try to roast it. In the meantime, if you have some spare time, please take a look at our PC/Mac game, "ORBDASH", and try it for free.

Based on the feedback we received from people for our first release, it was a pain to lose your progress after quitting the game (though we had designed a password system for that purpose), but now with the new update and the Save/Load system added, it's even more comfortable to continue the game with exactly the same parameters you saved before you quit the game each time.

Anyway, we're looking forward to your opinion and suggestions to even improve further. Thank you.

3 years ago

It seems there's no link to address a download page, is there? Would like to take a look if you provide a link.

3 years ago

Thanks. Btw, if you have some spare time, please take a look at our page, too.

3 years ago

Oh, I see. I sent you a couple of messages elsewhere before I see your message here. Will check it out for sure.

3 years ago

Thank you, my friend.

Your feedback means a lot to us. We definitely work harder on the graphics aspect for future projects. I'd also like to check out your game(s) soon and get back with some hot roast. In the meantime, please know that we're setting up a co-op bundle on with an agreed revenue among the participants. If you have any completed (and preferably paid) game(s) on, please feel free to join our bundle. Looking forward to your thoughts.

3 years ago

Welcome ;)

3 years ago

Glad to see you've liked the idea.

3 years ago
Animation Game Graphics

Only watched the video. The concept looks entertaining and I think more is probably going to join the main project since it was just a Beta as you've mentioned. But overall, I like it. Simple yet interesting.

3 years ago

None of the links work! Would like to give it a try if possible.

3 years ago
Story/Writing/Dialogue Level Design

The game is really entertaining. First of all, it doesn't let you get bored. Behind every corner, a threat might be waiting. I enjoyed playing it indeed and like to try it harder again later. The only thing that drove me crazy was the absence of any check-point or saving system. I was almost at the end of the mission, then just one wrong jump sent me down to the lava ground, and then I had to start all from the beginning! I believe the game has lots of potentials to grow but needs more work; maybe working a little bit on the graphics, adding some more enemy types, level-design variation, and adding check-point areas or so.

Btw, I couldn't find out how I was supposed to collect the other two weapons high on the wall at the beginning of the game. Even checked the control guide and there was no button for collecting items. Jumping on them also did nothing.

And the last words, I downloaded the PC version from the Mac link here. The download for PC itself doesn't work. Consider to fix it.

Great job!

3 years ago

Whenever I jumped on the weapons high on the wall, nothing happened. I couldn't collect them. Not sure if that was a bug or I was missing something. Make sure you double-check it yourself.

About the Save/Load system, we used EASY SAVE. It's an asset to save and load your progress upon the method that best fits your needs. But working with it has some learning curve. You need to get familiar with certain coding tips to use it. Feel free to ask for help if you come across any problem trying it.

3 years ago

And since I often test games on kinds low-end systems, I believe this game is not still highly optimized. Using occlusion culling helps you improve the performance significantly and increase FPS.

3 years ago

This game looks wonderful. Any demo version available? Where can I download it?

3 years ago

Thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately, at this point, we don't have access to VR equipment so there's no way we can test and make sure everything works fine. The currently available versions are for Windows (x64 & x32) and Mac.

3 years ago

I'd like to play your game. How can I do that? There seems to be no download link available on your page.

3 years ago

Thanks for the roast. It really helps us find out how people feel about our work and what we can do next to improve further. I checked your page and saw you have a couple of games. Will return with some feedback after I play for a while.

3 years ago

For a game made by one developer and only in 3 hours, it's good. I believe for PC, it may look boring, but for mobile, it could be funnier though I'm not sure that by touch screen controller on cellphones how the crosshair is supposed to have any rule then. Overall, good game.

3 years ago

Tried it. The controller is smooth and easy to use. Nice to benefit from both the 1st and 3rd person perspectives. And the graphic is old-school which looks fine for such type of game. But honestly, this game is still too far from a complete and ready-to-release product. Apparently:
1) Items can not be collected.
2) Once you run out of ammo, there's no way to get some more.
3) Controller guide doesn't cover all the buttons; for instance, it's not mentioned R is for reloading.
4) HP bar doesn't work and you never die.
5) Sound and brightness in settings seem to be only simple images and no real scroller buttons.
6) UIs overlap once clicked which make the view pretty cluttered.
7) The main goal is missing, and the player has no idea what they're supposed to do to accomplish the level or so.

Hope what I found helps you and you take them into consideration for your next games.

3 years ago

Looks interesting. Is there any PC or Android version?

3 years ago

I wish there were some images or a video to showcase the gameplay first. The page looks so empty and dull, and the chances of people being attracted to your game are almost unlikely. As a friendly suggestion, providing more visual info about your game is always promising.

Btw, I see no download link available.

3 years ago

Tried it. Good game. I suggest you add more variety to it. Music is very short and repeats the same thing again and again. Maybe more weapons, more skins, more enemies, different themes, etc. I know developing games by yourself is not an easy job but the game turns into a boring scenario after 2 to 3 minutes of playing. Spice it up with more elements.

3 years ago

Played it. I like the idea; simple and interesting. Just make it more complex. It still needs a lot to become an entertaining game. But overall, for your first try, CONGRATULATIONS! You did a great job that many others can't do.

3 years ago
Level Design Controls


Played it. The game looks very well designed and animated. Good UIs, good music, good gameplay. Just the way the character moves around looks a bit stiff and limited. Of course, it may be only my personal opinion, but that aside, I just noticed two major things that you'd probably need to take into consideration;

1) I ran the game on a mid-spec laptop and had a very low fps. The game flow was totally laggy. For such a design, it should not be that expensive on CPU or GPU. Maybe you still haven't optimized it?

2) All by chance, I got stuck in a corner close to a monolith golden stone and it looked there was no way out but to restart the game. No buttons worked. I finally shut the game. If it's a bug or there might be other places like this, maybe you need to fix it.

Overall, the game is very fun and interesting. Keep up the good wok.

3 years ago

Dumpling R' Tough

Lost Twins 2

SquareMan-Boy 2