In a dystopian future where earth is controlled by robots, lead an uprising and reclaim the world for humanity in this fast-paced, strategic top-down shooter.Development is about 50% done. It's completely playable through two chapters, the first of which has a finished boss. Several more chapters are planned. There's no story implemented yet, but there will be eventually.Any and all feedback is totally appreciated. Whatever you do, don't sugarcoat it. I want to know what you hate about the game. Anyone who records a video of their playthrough gets a free copy of the game when it's released on steam in a few months, just comment and i'll email it to you or something.WINDOWS SMARTSCREEN INFO. As with most obscure indie games (i remember it happening with deltarune), chrome and windows will try to block the download, thinking that it's a virus. On the chrome download, click the little arrow on it and it should bring up an option to download it. On SmartScreen, click "learn more", and there should be an option to run the installer. If my instructions are bad, just google it, you'll find a better explanation. Sorry for the inconvenience.