Cybertracers is a web local multiplayer game for 8+ players at one computer. Its close to snake or tron style game. With new mechanics "Unstable Portals". Game supports playing on the keyboard and gamepads. Enjoy it in the form of a progressive web application PWA that can be installed on your computer directly from the web.
P0 - up, down, left, right, portal: del, addr: end, mines: home, hammer: ins, pause: escP1 - w, s, a, d, portal: z,y, address: x mines: e, hammer: q, pause: escP2 - i, k, j, l, portal: n, address: m , mines: o, hammer: u, pause: escP3 - 8, 5, 4, 6, portal: 1, address: 0, mines: 9, hammer: 7, pause: escXbox gamepads (one,360)move - dpad or left stick, portal: A, address: X, mines: B, hammer: Y, pause: options buttonGeneric gamepad (not Xinput compatible) - custom mapper
Move options
- overdrive acceleration (costs 1 energy point) - second press of the direction key in the direction of travel- overdrive acceleration (for free) - when you are clo se to another wall / line- brake - press the direction key against the current direction
Challenge your friend in a mad duel. :)
Enjoy on url