The Zodiac Effect


we are a group of 16-17 year old teens that came together to make this project.  everything you see and hear is made by us for the CFN Game Jam #3.      Eventually, you come to face reality: you have died. The room that you find yourself in is encased completely by walls of bricks, which are made of what seems to be compressed dirt. Two doors, which seem to have been shaped from the Earth itself, protrude the eastern and southern walls. You struggle to remember what happened, and vibrant flashes of the past light up your mind: the vigorous squealing of car tires, an incredible wave of force followed by unbearable pain, the high-pitched screech of an ambulance, the ominous sound of a heartbeat monitor, slowly fading as it goes flat.   Beyond the doors, you hear an eerie chanting:    “Another’s come, a new deceased, Who’s dodged hell’s flames and heaven’s feasts. Through limbo’s trial you shall fight, Or live in fire or endless night. For soon you’ll face a Taurus cry, If you seek a fight with Gemini.”   we plan on releasing an update with a lot more content but for now here is what we made in the ten days for the CFN Game Jam #3

With the prototypes release on Game Jolt , we intend on fixing all the bugs in version 0.1 with version 0.2 of the game , especially in the Taurus boss battle aspect of the game, we will fix other bugs and issues and just plain updates to the sprites that we noticed needed to be done. stay tune for version 0.2
we apologize about the bugs in the game now , we had a limited amount of time to create it because it was for a game jam originally. thank you everyone.
for those that are wondering, The Gemini Update is a complete second level for the game and will come out later, with version 0.3 of the game.


BobbyWessels 2 years ago

Story/Writing/Dialogue Game Graphics
It is a nice simple concept for a game, and impressive you have made this in ten days!
I think what can be a great improvement to your future developing, is to try to be consistent with your stylistic choices.
The art style, even though pixel art, varies a lot between different assets, which probably is because you had very little time for the Game Jam.
It's very valuable to make sure the visuals look like it's all part of the same world, otherwise it pulls you out of the experience if you notice something looks off.

There are a lot of existing sprites and assets people share online which are free or cheap to use if you don't have the time or tools to make them yourself.
There really is no shame in using them to your benefit.
I also saw your new artwork for the updated version, which looks cool! If you apply this to that design, it will make your game look great.

Also a small detail: the opening text font has a lot of space between the letters, which made it a little unclear.
If this was a deliberate choice, then this is fine of course, otherwise I would make sure that the story you want to tell the player has a clear delivery.

Cool project, I am curious how the new content wil look like!
Roast Em
