Thanos Simulator


In Thano Simulator you need to find 6 infinity stones to complete the level.


opscury 5 years ago

Level Design Mechanics
In the tutorial level, I did everything that needed to be done. Then nothing happened, I was just left in the tutorial level and had to close the game because there was absolutely nothing else that I could do.

After restarting the game I did pick other levels, but there it was the same, I do all that is required, but time runs out and it says I was too slow, but I did do everything.

IkBenSkeer 5 years ago

what??it work just fine if i play it.

thepowerlies 4 years ago

You probably missed something (the player did something that you never did)

Yakob 5 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics
Could you add character skins for Thanos? That would very much improve the game

IkBenSkeer 5 years ago

i will try.

Joon 5 years ago

Game Graphics Level Design
Mechanics doesn't seem to complement each other. Each mechanic feels individual and because of that it becomes like a chore, i.e press enter on ironman, carry gamora etc. Theres no fun in it. Other than that, there isn't any challenge for us to accomplished that goal. The obstacles at first was alright but when it keeps resetting it becomes annoying. Think about why should us, player have to kill ironman or to carry gamora. It could be better if you think about what sort of game it is aka your core mechanic then just design the other mechanics around it ( Discovering genre helps out too). Now it seems its just plainly referencing from the movie. Put more effort into the design. best of luck

Mar 5 years ago

Game Graphics Level Design
The tasks that the player has t complete in each level feel more like completing a list than accomplishing anything fun. Try modifying your mechanics to give the game some play-ability. For example, during the fight with Vision, you could set a timer for the button presses, making it into more of a quick time event. This would add some urgency and interest to the gameplay.

akaEdward 5 years ago

Game Graphics
you could and you should add it for chrome OS like chrome books other wise great job big noob i was able to play it with a glitch but the game needs a little bit more graphic boosts

HoffsSon07 5 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics
Fun, but quite challenging.

gardikis 4 years ago

Level Design Game Graphics
Awesome music. played without tutorial and untill i learn that i can fly, it was very hard

aemeo 4 years ago

Level Design Mechanics
Fun and enjoyable, but it is quite difficult.

thepowerlies 4 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics
The game would be much better if mechanics of the game could have more coherence
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